CEATEC Exhibition Manual Site



Exhibition Regulations 4. Exhibitor Eligibility, Selection of Booth Position, Exhibit Application/Contract Agreement

4-1. Exhibitor Eligibility

Companies/organizations involved with products or related businesses included in the following list are eligible to exhibit at CEATEC (hereinafter may be referred to as the Exhibition):
  1. IT & electronics equipment related
  2. Electronic components, devices, materials, raw-materials, and apparatus related
  3. Broadcasting and information/ communications related
  4. Software and content related
  5. Automotive, mobility related
  6. Public infrastructure related
  7. Healthcare related
  8. Energy related
  9. Financial related
  10. Agricultural and forestry related
  11. Machinery manufacturing related
  12. Housing construction (developer business) related
  13. Trading company and wholesalers handling the businesses listed from 1. to 12.
  14. Logistics and transportation related
  15. Distribution and retailing related
  16. Apparel related
  17. Sporting related
  18. Tourism related
  19. Service related
  20. Media including newspaper, magazines, etc.
  21. Educational and research institutions and organizations
  22. Government organization, administrative corporations, public interest corporations, nonprofit public and industry organizations, public service-related companies
  23. Members of the sponsor and co-sponsors
    • Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)
    • Communications and Information Network Association of Japan (CIAJ)
    • Software Association of Japan (SAJ)
  24. Other companies approved by the Organizing Committee (Refer to section 5-22. Organizing Committee)
  1. Advertising companies and other related agencies are not allowed to represent any company that exhibits products even if said products are included in the aforementioned list of eligible businesses or products.
  2. The CEATEC Organizing Committee (Refer to section 5-22. Organizing Committee) reserves the right to refuse applications from companies that have violated regulations at a previous show or whose activities may be considered detrimental to visitors and/or other exhibitors regardless of in prior to or after holding an exhibitor contract. In such case, paid booth fees will be refunded. (Refer to section 4-3. Exhibit Application and Contract Agreement.)

4-2. Selection of Booth position *Eligibility: General Exhibits exhibitors

  1. Selecting the Booth Position
    Exhibitors will be asked to select their booth location at the Booth Position Selection Meeting to be held in July, from the designated locations on the floor plan, which is decided by the Organizing Committee. The floor plan for booth position selection will be sent to exhibitors from CEATEC Management Office before the meeting. The order of selection will be made by the order in which the application forms are received. If applications are received at the same time for exhibits of the same size and shape in the General Exhibits area, the order of booth location selection will be determined by lot drawing. (e.g., if two companies, Company A and Company B, apply for 10 booths in the General Exhibits area at the same timing) If applications are received after Wednesday, May 1, booth locations will be determined for exhibitors who apply by Tuesday, April 30, the deadline for priority exhibitor applications. Exhibitors who apply on or after May 1 will be asked to select a booth from among the spare booths in the order in which the application forms are received, after the booth locations of exhibitors who applied by the priority application deadline of April 30 have been.

    Precautions for selecting booth positions

    1. The area configuration of the venue will be decided based on the status of exhibit applications. The area configuration will be decided by the Organizing Committee.
    2. The location of block booths may be decided first on a first-come-first-served basis before conducting the Booth Position Selection Meeting, to secure visitor flow line and emergency evacuation flow line, to ensure safety in transporting goods in and out of the venue, and to facilitate the booth configuration at the venue.
    3. There are chances that the booth allocation diagram may be altered even after booth positions have been decided. In this case, booths may be repositioned.
    4. The order of selection will be managed in a fair manner after confirming the date and time of submission of the exhibition application form; however, if we receive two submissions at the exact same time, CEATEC Management Office will decide between the two exhibitors by considering exhibitor’s past results (the number of times participated and exhibit scale).
  2. Spare booths
    If booth spaces remain vacant on Tuesday, April 30, these spaces will be allocated as spare booths.
  3. Fixed booths
    The Organizing Committee has determined the following booth spaces to be fixed:
    1. Booths for Japan-related associations
    2. Booths for overseas cooperative organizations
    3. Booths for sponsor/co-sponsors
  4. Utility booths will be setup in vacant spaces after the completion of booth space selection. However, exhibitors shall be aware that further changes in booth allocation may occur. In such case, the kind understanding by exhibitors is greatly
  5. Changes to requested exhibition areas will not be accepted after the deadline for Acceptance of Applications, which is Friday, May 31, 2024.

4-3. Exhibit Application/Contract Agreement

To apply for exhibition space, access the CEATEC official website, fill in the information required on the Exhibition Application Form, and submit the form. After submission, the CEATEC Management Office, which is the Japan Electronics Show Association (hereinafter may be referred to as the Association), will confirm the receipt of the application form and replies to the applicant by e-mail. When the applicant receives the confirmation e-mail, the application and contract will be completed. The receipt date stated in this confirmation e-mail is regarded as a contract date, and exhibitors are liable for the participation fee.
  1. Exhibit application form

    Apply online from the CEATEC Official Website
    the CEATEC official website.

  2. Start of acceptance of applications

    Thursday, February 15, 2024 ; 10:00 a.m. (JST)

    Note: Applications received before the above time/date will not be accepted.
  3. Priority Application deadline

    Tuesday, April 30, 2024

    Apply on or before the Priority Application Deadline to participate in the Exhibitor Briefing Session/Booth Position Selection Meeting scheduled for July, and the applicant will be eligible to select the booth location in the order of receiving application. (refer to section 4-2. Selection of Booth Position)Please understand that the deadline may be earlier than above dates if the number of applications reaches its maximum.
  4. Application deadline

    Friday, May 31, 2024

    Applications will be accepted, even after deadline, as long as there are remaining booth spaces. Acceptance will be closed as soon as all booths are taken.
  5. Joint exhibitors with two or more companies or organizations
    Joint exhibitors should elect one "representative exhibitor" to handle payment of the booth spaces for all participating exhibitors. Corporate profiles of co-exhibitors are required to be submitted using the designated form (to be provided from the Association in July) after application.
  6. Refusal of application
    Applications from any persons involved in bankruptcy, composition, receivership, civil rehabilitation, or corporate reorganization proceedings, or persons who are suspended from current account transactions from financial institutions will not be accepted. Similarly, applications from any persons deemed by the Association to be involved in similar circumstances will not be accepted. If an exhibitor company is found to fall into one of the categories described above after the contract has been concluded, the contract will be voided, and that company will not be permitted to exhibit. In such a case, participation fees paid by exhibitors will be refunded. If deemed necessary by the Association, an investigation or inquiry into the surrounding circumstances will be conducted.
  7. After the application deadline, the Organizing Committee will deliberate on the configuration of the venue, etc. If the capacity of the venue is insufficient, fair criteria may be established and adjustments may be made to reduce the number of booths allocated to each exhibitor from the number applied for. In such event, we ask for the understanding of all exhibitors.

4-4. Payment of Exhibit Fees

Booth space payments are to be paid via electronic bank transfer according to the schedule below. Japan Electronics Show Association will issue an invoice and designate the bank account for remittance at this time. Checks and promissory notes are not acceptable as payment. Transfer fees and any other fees incurred during the transfer must be paid by the exhibitor. Although the exhibition plans are broken down into as “1. Exhibit Fees & Plans”, these categories are integrated and described as Exhibit Fee on the invoice.
Payment deadline Friday, June 28, 2024

4-5. Cancellation or Reduction of the Number of Booths

If an exhibitor cancels or reduces the number of booth spaces applied for, regardless of the reason, the following cancellation fee will apply. Consumption tax will be added to the cancellation fee.
After Monday, June 3, 2024 100% of the exhibit fee
Notification of cancellations or any other changes will be accepted by postal mail or email in a document form designated by the Management Office. The cancellation will be effective upon receipt of a confirmation by the Association.

4-6. Payment Other Than the Exhibit Fee

Payments other than the exhibit fee are to be paid via electronic bank transfer according to the schedule below (Designated bank account for remittance will be announced at the time of billing). Checks and promissory notes are not acceptable as payment. Bank transfer fees must be paid by the exhibitor. Billing source will be announced in the Exhibitor Manual, which will be distributed at a later date.
Deadline for the payment other than exhibit fee Friday, December 27, 2024

  1. AFrom the Management Office

    A1 Exhibit Outline

    1.  Exhibition Outline

    A2 Safety Measures

    1. 1. Basic Policy and Organizational Framework concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    2. 2. Requests to Exhibitors Concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    3. 3. Exhibitors’ Response to Emergency
    4. 4. Disaster Evacuation Route

    A3 Emergency Conservation Measures

    1.  Requests for cooperation to save energy

    A4 Personal Information Protection Policy

    1. 1. Personal Information Protection Policy of the Japan Electronics Show Association
    2. 2. Use of Personal Information by Exhibitors

    A5 Exhibition and Display Contents

    1. Important 1. Registration for Co-Exhibitors
    2. Important 2. Request for registration of “non-Japanese” exhibits

    A6 Applications / Inquiries List

    1. Important 1. Applications
    2. Important 2. Payment of Charges
    3. 3. Inquiries List
  2. BPromotion Tool

    B1 How to attract more visitors to your booth / How to distribute your information more broadly

    1. 1. Internet Media (Posting Exhibitor Information/Using Various Web Tools)
    2. 2. CEATEC AWARD 2024
    3. Important 3. Premium Time Invitation Tickets and Leaflets, Envelops
    4. 4. Hospitality for Overseas Visitors

    B2 How to distribute your information through the press

    1. Free 1. CEATEC News Center
    2. Free 2. Briefing Session for Spokespersons
    3. Free 3. Press Release Distribution Support Service
    4. Free 4. Utilization of Premium Time (For Press)

    B3 VIP Services and Reception

    1. 1. Opening Reception
    2. 2. VIP Registration
    3. 3. CEATEC Networking event for Exhibitors

    B4 How to satisfy your visitors more at the exhibition

    1. 1. Visitor Data-Reading App
    2. Free 2. Business Lounges
    3. 3. Reception Room
    4. 4. Use of Demonstration Room

    B5 How to advertise effectively

    1. 1. Web Banner Ad / Mail Magazine Text Banner Ad
    2. 2. On-site Ad Signs
    3. 3. Rules for Advertising
  3. CExhibition Venue Regulations

    C1 Exhibition Site

    1. 1. Exhibition Site Layout / Visitor Passage
    2. 2. Transportation Guide
    3. 3. Layout of Makuhari Messe
    4. 4. Management Office Facilities

    C2 On-site Management

    1. Important 1. Work Schedule
    2. Important 2. Exhibitor Badges, Worker Ribbons
    3. 3. On-site Photography

    C3 Load-In & Load-Out

    1. Important 1. Vehicle Stickers
    2. Important 2. Load-In
    3. 3. Vehicles during the show
    4. Important 4. Load-Out

    C4 Waste Disposal

    1.  Waste Material Separation
  4. DBooth Regulations

    D1 Booth Standards

    1. Important 1. Booth Standards
    2. Important 2. Base Panel Outline
    3. Important 3. Important Points for Booth Design
    4. 4. Exhibits Exceeding the Height Limit
    5. 5. Ceiling Structure
    6. 6. Two-Story Booth Structures
    7. 7. Suspended Structure
    8. 8. Universal Design

    D2 Booth Display Regulations

    1. Important 1. Display Contractor Registration
    2. 2. Product Liability (PL) Law
    3. 3. Floor Construction Work
    4. 4. Fireproofing Regulations / Advertising Balloons
    5. Important 5. Electrical Power Supply
    6. 6. Green Power Certification System

    D3 Product Exhibit Regulations / In-Booth Demo Regulations

    1. Important 1. Prohibition
    2. 2. Lighting on the Ceiling
    3. 3. Sound Emissions and Copyrights
    4. 4. Wireless LANs
    5. 5. UHF-band Product Exhibits / Demonstrations

    D4 Booth Management Regulations

    1. 1. Hazardous Item Handling
    2. 2. Guidelines for Giving Premiums, etc., to Visitors
    3. 3. Others
  5. EServices Related to Booth Operation

    E1 Transport Service

    1. 1. Transport, Load-in & Load-out Service
    2. 2. Parcel Delivery Service during the Show

    E2 Rental Fixtures

    1. 1. Package Booth Service
    2. 2. Rental Fixtures
    3. 3. PC and Monitor Rental

    E3 Infrastructure Services

    1. 1. Utility Booth
    2. 2. Internet Connection
    3. 3. Temporary Telephone Line Service
    4. 4. Antenna Installation
    5. 5. Water Supply, Drainage, Compressed Air and Gas

    E4 Booth Management Services

    1. 1. Meeting Room (Rental)
    2. 2. Reserving Accommodations
    3. 3. Food / Beverage Tickets
    4. 4. Catering Service
    5. 5. Bento (Lunch Box) Delivery Service
    6. 6. Reception Staff / Non-Technical Interpreter
    7. 7. Booth Security Guard
    8. 8. Booth Cleaning
  6. Exhibition Regulations

    Exhibition Regulations

    1.  1. Exhibit Fees & Plans
    2.  2. Expenses Included in the Exhibition Fee
    3.  3. Exhibit Areas, Number of Booths to Apply, Height Limitations
    4.  4. Exhibitor Eligibility, Selection of Booth Position, Exhibit Application/Contract Agreement
    5.  5. Important Exhibit Details and Prohibitions
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