CEATEC Exhibition Manual Site



Exhibition Regulations 5. Important Exhibit Details and Prohibitions

5-1. Exhibiting of products from outside of Japan (including fixtures)

The Association will apply for a bonded exhibition area in respect of the entire exhibition hall. If such application is granted, it will allow exhibitors to display foreign products (i.e., goods produced or manufactured outside Japan which have not yet undergone customs clearance) without customs clearance.

5-2. Prohibited activities

The following activities are prohibited.
  1. Subletting, transferring, selling, exchanging, etc. of the exhibit space
    Subletting, selling, transferring, or exchanging exhibition space, either in whole or in part, to any third party, including other exhibitors (with the exception of those exhibiting in the Partners Park) is prohibited.
  2. Exhibiting for the purpose of s that directing visitors to other venues
    Exhibitors are not allowed to hold exhibitions or seminars of major products at places other than this exhibition venue for the purpose of directing visitors of this exhibition to other venues, except for special events conducted by the organizer.
  3. Engaging in sales activities
    Selling products other than publications and software on-site during the show is prohibited. Exhibitors who wish to sell publications or software are required to submit details and seek approval from the Association when applying for the exhibition.
  4. Inappropriate behavior
    Aggressively attempting to attract visitors to view demonstrations while standing outside of booths or in aisles is prohibited. Extremely persistent product explanations and/or approaches are also considered to be nuisance and may be prohibited.
  5. Exhibiting for the purpose of obtaining personal information
    It is prohibited to use booths for the primary purpose of collecting personal information on visitors, rather than to display or to conduct PR of products and services. Furthermore, all exhibitors are requested to abide by the stipulations in Japan's personal information protection law. Details on the collection and handling of personal information will be available in the Exhibitor Manual.

5-3. Responsibilities of Exhibitors

  1. Prompt fee payment
    Exhibitors must pay all exhibit fees and expenses invoiced by the Association and bear responsibility until all payments are complete.
  2. Obeying the law
    Exhibitors must abide strictly by the laws and regulations of Japan.
  3. Liability for damage, management of exhibited items, and insurance
    1. The sponsor (JEITA, hereinafter the same), the Organizing Committee and the Association will make every effort to ensure the security of exhibits during the show period, for example, by implementing security guard patrols. However, CEATEC sponsor, the Organizing Committee, and/or the Association cannot assume responsibility for damages from natural disaster, fire, theft, loss of property or other occurrences beyond its control, and recommends that exhibitors take steps and measures such as theft prevention of their own.
    2. Exhibitors shall be liable for any fatalities or injuries occurring to visitors, other exhibitors or third parties as well as damage to items at the exhibition site. CEATEC sponsor, the Organizing Committee, and/or the Association shall bear no responsibility whatsoever in such circumstances. Exhibitors are responsible to provide for adequate insurance coverage during the exhibition.
    3. Exhibitors are required to notify the Association in advance of a booth manager, whose responsibility is to attend and supervise all work and operations conducted at their booth for the entire duration of the exhibition.
    4. Exhibitors are recommended to provide for adequate insurance coverage during the exhibition.
    5. The Association will make every effort to provide effective management, enhanced safety, and maintenance of order at the venue as well as ensure the safety of exhibition visitors. Any act by an exhibitor(s) that is considered detrimental to the aforementioned may lead to the termination of that exhibitor's demonstration. Exhibitors shall be liable for any accidents that may occur during exhibitor demonstrations, and CEATEC Sponsor and/or the Organizing Committee and/or Association shall bear no responsibility whatsoever in such circumstances. In the event of an accident, the exhibitor is required to take appropriate action and report it immediately to the Association.
  4. Complying with the exhibition schedule
    Prior, during and after the exhibition, all exhibitors are requested to comply with the exhibition schedule specified by the organizer. Construction activities to the booth, delivery and/or wrap-up activities during the exhibition are prohibited.

5-4. Termination or Shortening of Exhibition Duration Due to Force Majeure

  1. Natural disasters such as an earthquake, typhoon, fire, disease, infectious disease, terrorist act or order from the public authorities (hereinafter referred to as "force majeure"), the organizers reserve the right to cancel the exhibition or shorten the duration of the exhibition or the hours, either before or during the exhibition. If the exhibition sponsor deems such action necessary, this information will be promptly published on the official website and exhibitors will be notified. Neither the exhibition organizer nor the Association shall assume any liability for losses incurred by exhibitors in such a case.
  2. If a force majeure which has occurred prior to the opening of CEATEC forces the exhibition to be cancelled, the Association will refund exhibit fees paid by exhibitors in full, minus charges for expenses incurred.
  3. However, if the duration of the exhibition is shortened by a force majeure after CEATEC is commenced, the Association shall not be held liable to refund either full or partial exhibition expenses.
  4. The Association assumes no responsibility for other expenses already incurred by exhibitors due to cancellation or shortening of the exhibition due to force majeure.

5-5. News Gathering and Filming

Staff members appointed by the Association and/or the Organizing Committee will be authorized to gather news and/or conduct interviews as well as engage in filming and/or photography. Exhibitors are requested to cooperate with such news gathering and filming activities and also agree that any exhibited items, or any image, photograph, information, etc., obtained during the exhibition will be used by the Organizing Committee or an organization authorized by the Association for the purpose of publicizing and/or promoting CEATEC.

5-6. Dealing with Disputes between Exhibitors

Any disputes between exhibitors concerning exhibits, publicity materials related to exhibits, intellectual property or the use of booths shall be resolved between the parties concerned. The exhibition sponsor, Organizing Committee, and the Association shall bear no responsibility whatsoever in such instances.

5-7. Booth Designing

Product exhibits, demonstrations, etc., must be conducted within the exhibitor's booth.
If for some reason the following rules are not complied, the exhibitor will be demanded for improvement from the Organizing Committee and/or the Association; any further noncompliance may result in termination of the exhibitor's booth.
  1. Prohibition of using space outside the booth
    1. Visitors must not be allowed to block aisles around the booth. When setting up a stage or similar demonstration, ensure that the booth can accommodate a large number of visitors, if expected.
    2. Calling out to visitors from outside of the booth, having visitors fill out questionnaires outside of the booth, or similar activities are prohibited.
    3. Presentation acts using the aisles around the booth or outside the booth is prohibited. Furthermore, product exhibits, fixtures, catalogs, equipment, plants, packaging materials and visitor waiting lines cannot be placed in aisles around the booth or behind the booth.
    4. Lighting directed toward aisles, exhibition hall walls or ceiling is prohibited.
  2. Installing stage and video equipment
    When setting up video equipment or a stage for a production presentation or similar demonstration in a booth, please ensure that there is plenty of room for visitors, so that they do not block the aisles. Furthermore, depending on the height of the stage and the video equipment to be installed, please take sufficient care of the visitors viewing angle and make sure there is an appropriate viewing distance. The organizer will check the booths and if any discrepancies are noted, may ask for modifications to be made.
  3. Speaker setup position restrictions
    The positioning of speakers and other audio equipment towards adjacent booths is not permitted. Be sure to install a speaker inward, not directly towards the aisle. Also, when setting up speakers on a wall or stand, the center axis should be facing downward, within 45° from the floor to the center axis of the speaker, and the center axis shall not extend out of the booth space.
  4. Safety measures
    1. To prevent truss beams from falling, make sure to strike four or more anchor bolts in one location, when securing them to the floor.
    2. When installing exhibition panels (OCTANORM), take measures to prevent them from falling by reinforcing the panels, reinforcing the beams in the corner sections, and installing weights.
    3. Take measures to prevent independent fixtures from falling by securing them to the wall or floor surface.
    4. When installing video monitors, speakers, channel characters, lighting fixtures, and other fixtures in high locations, take measures to prevent them from falling, by fixing them with bolts or wires.
  5. Flow lines to adjacent exhibitors
    When designing an independent booth, be sure to keep 1/3 (one-third) of the side adjacent to the aisle open to allow for an evacuation route and flow line during emergency.
  6. Booth space boundaries
    Take into account when constructing a booth space to make it clear to visitors where the aisles and boundaries are, by installing carpets and the like.

5-8. Ceiling Installation

Installing a ceiling on the booth is only permitted when products and/or demonstrations need to be shielded from light or insulated from sound.
The ceiling must be made of a flameproof blacked-out curtain, which is within the scope of approval by the local fire department. Direct sunshine will be blocked out within the exhibit halls but there still may be some reflections cast from the indirect and ceiling lighting. Exhibitors who wish to set up ceiling structures, without regard to the size or area, are required to submit an application form sent with the Exhibit Manual together with floor plan, elevations, and construction drawings.
Observe the following guidelines for the design and construction of a ceiling structure.
  1. Structure
    1. Double ceiling structure is prohibited
    2. All the decorating materials must be fire-resistant processed and attached with the fire-resistant indications.
    3. Exhibitors are required to submit both floor plan (designated ceiling area and its size) and elevation (designated ceiling area and surrounding wall, etc.) drawings. The drawings must be indicated that the ceilings are fire-resistant processed.
  2. Fire Safety Equipment
    1. Fire extinguishers must be size 10 or larger.
    2. Installation of automatic fire alarm system (smoke detectors) may be required. In such case, exhibitors must install automatic fire alarm system for business use, and submit installation report along with the result of installation test to the Association. Smoke detectors for household use are not recognized as automatic fire alarm systems.
    3. Depending on the size and shape of the booth, evacuation exits and illuminated exit sign (self-luminous type) may be necessary.

5-9. Two-floor Construction

A two-floor construction is defined as a layered structure with flow lines for the traffic of people on the upper floor with an overall height exceeding 2.1m from the floor. However, even when the booth structure height does not reach 2.1m, the structure is considered to be a two-floor construction if the base floor is used as an aisle, product exhibit, waiting room, etc.
Please note that approval from the local fire department is required for the construction of a two-floor structure.
Exhibitors who wish to set up a two-floor booth structures are required to submit an application form to be sent with the Exhibitor Manual together with a construction drawing. Observe the following guidelines for the design and construction of a two-floor structure.
  1. Booth requirements for construction
    Exhibitors with at least 15 booths and Diamond Partners with a participation space of at least 135 m2 per booth are allowed to construct a two-floor structure.
  2. 2nd floor floorage
    The upper limit of floorage for the 2nd floor shall be a half of the exhibit area.
  3. Height of the 2nd floor structure
    The maximum height of exhibited products and fixtures is 6 m so this height should also be maintained for items on the 2nd floor.
  4. Use of the 2nd floor structure
    The 2nd floor structure can be used as a product exhibition area, a business meeting room, a waiting room, and an operations room. The 2nd floor structure must also be set back at least 1m from the border of the aisle and booth. Demonstrations from the 2nd floor to visitors on the 1st floor are prohibited.
  5. Design
    When designing the 2nd floor structure, calculate the load of the 2nd floor (including an estimate of maximum load capacity) using the diagram shown below. Note that a ceiling cannot be installed for the 2nd floor.
    1. Design a safe structure that is made of steel (aluminum truss is also acceptable) and can withstand a seismic load caused by a major earthquake in addition to the above-described load.
    2. Submit materials showing your structural calculations to the Association*. Also note that setting design conditions shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
      *The submission of structural calculation data does not guarantee safety for the organizer, the facility, or the local fire department in charge.
    3. Make sure to fill in structural designer in charge in the application form (found in the Exhibitor Manual to be distributed at a later date) before submission.
    4. At least two stairways, each at least 90 cm wide, need to be installed.
  6. Fire prevention and evacuation installations, etc.
    The following fire-prevention measures must be taken for a two-story structure.
    1. Automatic fire alarm system and fire extinguishing equipment are mandatory for a two-story structure. Fire extinguishers (type 10 or larger) must be installed on the 2nd floor.
    2. When installing an automatic fire alarm system (smoke detectors), exhibitors must install automatic fire alarm system for business use, and submit installation report along with the result of installation test to the Association. Smoke detectors for household use are not recognized as automatic fire alarm systems.
    3. There must be at least one fire alarm system (smoke detector) per 150 m2 of ceiling of the 1st floor. If a 60cm or longer wall is hung down from the ceiling, at least one fire alarm (smoke detector) must be set in each enclosed area.
    4. For the 2nd floor with an area of more than 200 m2, fire alarm system (smoke detectors) must be connected directly to the control office of Makuhari Messe. We recommend contacting the control office at your earliest convenience, as other fire safety equipment may be required for installation.
    5. Plywood, fiberglass materials, carpets, curtains, tablecloths, coverings, and banners for the exhibit must all have fireproof labeling; usage without labeling is strictly prohibited.
    6. For the 2nd floor with an area of 100 m2 or more, a certified fire prevention officer must be stationed on-site.

5-10. Ceiling-suspension Configuration

A suspension configuration is defined as a method of exhibiting by constructing a booth that suspends fixtures via chains hanging from the ceiling. Exhibitors who would like to set up suspended structures are required to submit an application form sent with the Exhibitor Manual together with a structural weight calculation sheet, floor plan and elevation drawing.
  1. Booth requirements for usage
    Exhibitors with at least 20 booths (block booths) and Diamond Partners with a participation space of at least 180m2 are allowed to use the suspension configuration.
  2. Space restrictions
    Space is restricted to within the perpendicular line from the booth's internal surface. But even if the suspension configuration meets this restriction, if its location interferes with the deluge gun in the exhibit hall, the suspended item may be asked to be repositioned.
  3. Suspension base restriction
    As a rule, suspension base should be done on gusset plates. If the use of other locations (e.g., beams, etc.), please contact the Association at early stage. Depending on the weight, construction plan may be asked to be changed.
  4. Load (weight) limitation
    The gusset plate for a single suspension must weigh less than 450kg. Exhibitors are required to submit the construction plan and a statement of total weight that specify the weight of each gusset plate. A construction plan that shows the total weight of the suspended structure divided by the number of suspension base points cannot be accepted to grant any permission for installation.
  5. Height limitation
    Fixtures and decorations (e.g., metal and/or wooden structures, signage, lighting, speakers, banners, textiles, etc.) must be less than 6m in height. However, trusses for the suspension configuration such as chain motor boxes are not applicable for the height limitation, but they should be installed in areas that will not obstruct or block the view of surrounding exhibitors. And for safety reasons, the chain for suspending ornamental truss must be installed within a meter above the truss fixture. The exhibitor is responsible for any of the costs related to the change of plan.
  6. Other limitations/considerations
    1. Ornamental trusses should be designed to be a single structure, not divided into segments.
    2. For ornamental trusses, care should be taken to prevent damage caused by the lateral shaking of earthquakes, and ornaments that rise from the floor should not be joined together nor fixed.
    3. When wiring cables, etc., from the floor to the ornamental trusses, be sure to leave enough space to prevent disconnection due to lateral shaking in earthquakes.
    4. When installing monitors, speaker channel letterings, and/or lightings on ornamental trusses, take measures such as securing with bolts or wires to prevent from falling.
    5. Only use unobtrusive colors such as black and gray for components such as trusses.
    6. Exhibitors installing booth with ceiling-suspended structure shall be liable for all accidents caused by the suspended structure, during the ceiling-suspended structure construction work and the exhibition period.
    7. When selecting booth positions, the exhibition layout from the CEATE Management Office clearly indicates areas where structures can be suspended from the ceiling. If an area other than an area where ceiling-suspended structures are possible is selected, and the exhibitor constructs ceiling-suspended structures, the exhibitor will be liable for cost incurred etc.

5-11. Floor Construction Work

Exhibitors who require floor construction work are required to submit an application form sent with the Exhibitor Manual together with a floor plan. Observe the following guidelines for the floor construction work.
  1. Floor construction work
    1. Exhibitors are required to contact CEATEC Management Office in each hall before commencing the work and inform the number of anchor bolts to be affixed.
      Note: In case there is no need of anchor bolts, exhibitors are required to submit the cancellation
    2. Concrete nails and jackhammering are prohibited. No construction may be carried out on pit covers or pit interiors on the floors.
    3. To prevent truss beams falling, strike four or more anchor bolts in one location when securing them to the floor.
    4. Carpeting a booth, exhibitions are required to use double-faced tape. Use of glue is prohibited.
  2. Restoration to the original condition
    Floor construction work is permitted on the condition that all flooring will be restored to its original state after the show. After usage, if the bolt heads project above the surface, they must be sawn off, not hammered in or cut with acetylene torches. All expenses for restoration shall be borne by the exhibitor. In the event that the floor is not restored to its original condition after the final floor inspection, or the restoration is incomplete, the Association will complete the restoration work and charge the total amount of expenses to the exhibitor after the show.
  3. Floor restoration expenses
    When bolting down an anchor bolt, a cooperative fee for the restoration of floor surfaces of JPY 1,100 per bolt (includes consumption tax) will be charged to the exhibitor, regardless of the size of the bolt.

5-12. Fire Prevention Regulations

In the initial construction stages and during the exhibition, inspections will be conducted by the local fire department. If it is determined during the inspections that the following regulations are not being observed, termination of construction and/or removal of the booth(s) may be ordered.
  1. If a thick fabric or paper with ruffles (pleats) is to be attached on the fireproof plywood of the booth, it must have fireproof properties. Use of a fireproof fabric is not necessary, however, when thin processed paper or fabric is used on the surface of the fireproof plywood.
  2. Thick stage curtains, ordinary curtains, plywood for display use, fiberglass boards, blinds made of fabric, black-out curtains, artificial flowers, carpets, flooring materials, sheets for construction, and any other materials used must all have fireproof properties. The fireproof labeling on each item must be shown in a clearly visible location.
  3. The use of materials such as urethane, acetate, polyester, and nylon is strictly prohibited as they are not just highly combustible but difficult to give them fireproof performance.
  4. The use of expanded or foamed polystyrene is also prohibited, it is recommended that Styrofoam or a similar material be used instead.

5-13. Prohibition of the Display of Counterfeit or Imitation Products

  1. The display, distribution, or demonstration of counterfeit or imitation products that infringe on a third party's intellectual property rights (e.g., patents, trademarks, design rights, copyrights, overseas rights, etc.) or any other related activity is strictly prohibited.
  2. If the Organizing Committee and/or the Association discovers or determines counterfeit or imitation products being displayed, distributed, or demonstrated, it reserves the right to remove these products from the exhibition venue immediately. Exhibitors shall not object to such measures.
  3. In addition to inspections for counterfeit or imitation products, all exhibitors shall cooperate with the Organizing Committee and/or the Association whenever any type of inspection is conducted.
  4. Any disputes concerning the intellectual property rights of exhibited products shall be resolved between the parties concerned.

5-14. Comparison Displays

As a rule, exhibitors are requested to limit product comparisons (see guidelines below) to demonstrations between products and/or technologies of their own company or group companies. Exhibitors who plan to compare their products or technologies with those of other companies should first obtain advance permission from the other company and such comparisons must not infringe upon the property rights of that company. When the Association and/or Organizing Committee determine that the following guidelines on comparison displays have not been observed, it reserves the right to terminate the display or order that corrective measures be taken with all costs incurred by the exhibitor. If said corrective measures are determined to be insufficient, the exhibitor may be barred from future participation in CEATEC.
  1. Comparisons using exhibits and demonstrations
  2. Comparisons using information panels and pamphlets
  3. Comparisons by narration and other audio announcements
  4. Other comparisons related to products and technologies

5-15. Suitable Displays

The following regulations shall be strictly observed for all displays in the exhibition booths.
  1. Safety and precaution signage
    Not only the exhibition booth be carefully designed for safety, but all booths to have adequate safety and precaution signage positioned in clearly visible locations around the displays are recommended.
  2. Displays reflecting real-life situations
    Product presentations and/or displays should be demonstrated in real-life situations as much as possible and not in an exaggerated or unrealistic manner. If this is not practical, the product(s) must have accompanying captions stating how they are used in actual applications.

5-16. Ceiling Lighting

The brightness of the venue is between 450 and 500 lux when all high-pressure mercury ceiling lamps are lit. There are four mercury ceiling lamps per block in the exhibition hall; however, taking the exhibition environment into consideration, lighting will be kept within 3/4 of the total brightness for all areas.

5-17. Audio Volume Limitations

Before installing audio equipment in the booth, discuss with the surrounding exhibitors and set the volume so that they do not disturb each other. When explaining products or making demonstrations using audio equipment, try to break down the time as much as possible. Also discuss with your neighbors on adjusting the presentation microphone audio level, and the time-frame of each presentation. Stop the audio immediately when there is an emergency broadcasting at the venue.
  1. Audio output limitation
    Maximum of 80dB
  2. Volume measurements
    1. As a general rule, the standard values are to be measured 2m away from the booth boundaries
    2. The peak value, which is measured by devices meeting the JIS C1509 standard, is used for assessment.
    3. The Association staff will periodically measure volume levels during the exhibition; however, it is required that exhibitors also measure volume levels before and during the exhibition. Decibel meters are available from the Association, so please do not hesitate to ask for one.
  3. Measures for exhibitors violating the volume restrictions
    If volume levels are determined to exceed the aforementioned limits, or the exhibitor generates deep bass sound that may be disturbing to surrounding exhibitors, the exhibitor will be advised for improvement and required to follow the instructions. Even if the audio level is within the aforementioned limits, the exhibitor will be advised to modify their audio equipment accordingly if the sound coming from the booth is determined to be bothersome to surrounding exhibitors and visitors. Such exhibitor will be penalized with the following if the exhibitor makes no improvements.
    • When the exhibitor is advised for improvements for the third time: Ban the use of audio equipment during the morning of the following exhibition day.
  4. Stationing a person responsible for operations
    Please make sure that a person responsible for audio equipment is stationed in your booth at all times, and that the audio equipment is operated in accordance with the regulations.

5-18. Demonstration Regulations

  1. Copyright procedures
    For exhibits and demonstrations featuring musical performances, audiovisual presentations, etc., copyright procedures must be processed (not necessary for copyrights owned by your company and already processed). For more information concerning the necessary procedures for obtaining permission from copyright holders, contact the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC)
  2. Illumination/lighting
    Nothing may be directly attached, nor may lights be shone directly onto the walls, floors, ceiling, and public aisles of Makuhari Messe. When strong lighting equipment such as LEDs are used in displays and/or signboards, they must be positioned so as not to inconvenience visitors or surrounding booths. If any problems occur in line with lighting, The Association will request immediate countermeasures.
  3. Smoke machines
    The use of smoke machines (those using alcohol, oil or petroleum, and those using carbon dioxide and dry ice) for staging is prohibited.
  4. Miscellaneous
    If the exhibit planned incorporates any of the items listed below, please take the necessary steps to ensure that the exhibit will not affect the surrounding booths and/or visitors in any way.
    1. Hot air   2. Gas  3. Strong odor or fragrance  4. Vibration

5-19. Handling of Hazardous Materials

  1. Prohibited activities
    The following activities are prohibited in the exhibition hall according to the Fire Service Act.
    ① Smoking
    ② Use of open flame (including devices that generate sparks, exposed electro-thermal devices)
    ③ Bringing liquefied petroleum gas or any other inflammable gas to the venue
    ④ Bringing flammable substances such as gasoline, kerosene, machine oil, heavy oils, etc. to the venue
    ⑤ Bringing of hazardous items such as explosives, large amounts of matches or disposable lighters, etc. to the venue.
  2. Exemptions for prohibited activities
    Excluding smoking, exemptions for prohibited activities and/or the use of or bring in some of the aforementioned substances may be granted by local fire safety authorities if it is determined that only minimal amounts of substances will be used or that the activities are necessary to enhance the exhibit. For exhibitors seeking exemptions, please fill in the relevant items on the "Hazardous Materials Usage Application" form in the Exhibitor Manual and submit it together with two copies of the product brochure or document explaining the nature of the performance or exhibit. The Association will submit all applications to the fire safety authorities at a single time, and only the items granted exemptions will be allowed to be used in the venue.

5-20. Violation and Discrepancies in Interpretation of the Regulation

If an exhibitor violates these Regulations stated in this guideline or if there is a discrepancy in interpretation or the application of the Regulations, the following measures will be taken. Please note that the interpretation of the Regulations as defined in the original Japanese language documentation will take precedence.
  1. If the Organizing Committee determines that an exhibitor has violated Regulations governing exhibitor booths and implementation of exhibits, the Association will request that the exhibitor take the necessary corrective measures.
  2. If the same violation described above (section 1) occurs again, or a discrepancy in interpretation of these regulations occurs, the Organizing Committee will take the appropriate action and based on its final judgement, order the exhibitor in question to take the necessary corrective measures. Please note that once the Committee reaches a final ruling, the Committee will not enter into any further discussion with the exhibitor, nor be responsible for any incurred liabilities whatsoever.
  3. If an exhibitor has been ordered to take corrective measures described above (section 2), the exhibitor will be required to submit in writing on the same day, a description of the necessary corrective measures taken and the schedule at which they will be completed.
  4. If an exhibitor has been ordered to take corrective measures described above (section 3), and fails to do so accordingly, or if the corrective measures taken are determined to be insufficient by the Organizing Committee, the following penalties may apply.
    1. The exhibitor will be prohibited from continuing with exhibition activities from the next day.
    2. If the penalty in section “1.” above is ignored, this fact will be announced, and the exhibitor will be barred from exhibiting at the subsequent CEATEC exhibition.

5-21. Others

  1. Other prohibited activities and regulations that are not included in these Regulations will be detailed in the Exhibitor Manual that will be distributed later.
  2. Promissory notes cannot be accepted for payment for exhibit fees and all other expenses.
  3. These Regulations are subject to change as deemed necessary by the show sponsor, the Organizing Committee or the Association. If changes occur to the Regulations, they will be posted on the CEATEC Official Website, or brought to the attention of exhibitors by other means.
  4. Each exhibitor shall comply with the laws and regulations of Japan. The show sponsor, the Organizing Committee and the Association will not accept any responsibility resulting from any violation of laws and regulations by exhibitors.

5-22. Organizing Committee

Comprised of exhibitor representatives, the Organizing Committee's role is to consider problem areas and reach appropriate decisions concerning the operations and management of the exhibition, including the regulations and planning. The Organizing Committee is present during show preparations and during the exhibition to ensure a proper exhibition environment and solve problems should they arise. The Organizing Committee has the authority to enforce all regulations and will act accordingly should any violations occur.

  1. AFrom the Management Office

    A1 Exhibit Outline

    1.  Exhibition Outline

    A2 Safety Measures

    1. 1. Basic Policy and Organizational Framework concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    2. 2. Requests to Exhibitors Concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    3. 3. Exhibitors’ Response to Emergency
    4. 4. Disaster Evacuation Route

    A3 Emergency Conservation Measures

    1.  Requests for cooperation to save energy

    A4 Personal Information Protection Policy

    1. 1. Personal Information Protection Policy of the Japan Electronics Show Association
    2. 2. Use of Personal Information by Exhibitors

    A5 Exhibition and Display Contents

    1. Important 1. Registration for Co-Exhibitors
    2. Important 2. Request for registration of “non-Japanese” exhibits

    A6 Applications / Inquiries List

    1. Important 1. Applications
    2. Important 2. Payment of Charges
    3. 3. Inquiries List
  2. BPromotion Tool

    B1 How to attract more visitors to your booth / How to distribute your information more broadly

    1. 1. Internet Media (Posting Exhibitor Information/Using Various Web Tools)
    2. 2. CEATEC AWARD 2024
    3. Important 3. Premium Time Invitation Tickets and Leaflets, Envelops
    4. 4. Hospitality for Overseas Visitors

    B2 How to distribute your information through the press

    1. Free 1. CEATEC News Center
    2. Free 2. Briefing Session for Spokespersons
    3. Free 3. Press Release Distribution Support Service
    4. Free 4. Utilization of Premium Time (For Press)

    B3 VIP Services and Reception

    1. 1. Opening Reception
    2. 2. VIP Registration
    3. 3. CEATEC Networking event for Exhibitors

    B4 How to satisfy your visitors more at the exhibition

    1. 1. Visitor Data-Reading App
    2. Free 2. Business Lounges
    3. 3. Reception Room
    4. 4. Use of Demonstration Room

    B5 How to advertise effectively

    1. 1. Web Banner Ad / Mail Magazine Text Banner Ad
    2. 2. On-site Ad Signs
    3. 3. Rules for Advertising
  3. CExhibition Venue Regulations

    C1 Exhibition Site

    1. 1. Exhibition Site Layout / Visitor Passage
    2. 2. Transportation Guide
    3. 3. Layout of Makuhari Messe
    4. 4. Management Office Facilities

    C2 On-site Management

    1. Important 1. Work Schedule
    2. Important 2. Exhibitor Badges, Worker Ribbons
    3. 3. On-site Photography

    C3 Load-In & Load-Out

    1. Important 1. Vehicle Stickers
    2. Important 2. Load-In
    3. 3. Vehicles during the show
    4. Important 4. Load-Out

    C4 Waste Disposal

    1.  Waste Material Separation
  4. DBooth Regulations

    D1 Booth Standards

    1. Important 1. Booth Standards
    2. Important 2. Base Panel Outline
    3. Important 3. Important Points for Booth Design
    4. 4. Exhibits Exceeding the Height Limit
    5. 5. Ceiling Structure
    6. 6. Two-Story Booth Structures
    7. 7. Suspended Structure
    8. 8. Universal Design

    D2 Booth Display Regulations

    1. Important 1. Display Contractor Registration
    2. 2. Product Liability (PL) Law
    3. 3. Floor Construction Work
    4. 4. Fireproofing Regulations / Advertising Balloons
    5. Important 5. Electrical Power Supply
    6. 6. Green Power Certification System

    D3 Product Exhibit Regulations / In-Booth Demo Regulations

    1. Important 1. Prohibition
    2. 2. Lighting on the Ceiling
    3. 3. Sound Emissions and Copyrights
    4. 4. Wireless LANs
    5. 5. UHF-band Product Exhibits / Demonstrations

    D4 Booth Management Regulations

    1. 1. Hazardous Item Handling
    2. 2. Guidelines for Giving Premiums, etc., to Visitors
    3. 3. Others
  5. EServices Related to Booth Operation

    E1 Transport Service

    1. 1. Transport, Load-in & Load-out Service
    2. 2. Parcel Delivery Service during the Show

    E2 Rental Fixtures

    1. 1. Package Booth Service
    2. 2. Rental Fixtures
    3. 3. PC and Monitor Rental

    E3 Infrastructure Services

    1. 1. Utility Booth
    2. 2. Internet Connection
    3. 3. Temporary Telephone Line Service
    4. 4. Antenna Installation
    5. 5. Water Supply, Drainage, Compressed Air and Gas

    E4 Booth Management Services

    1. 1. Meeting Room (Rental)
    2. 2. Reserving Accommodations
    3. 3. Food / Beverage Tickets
    4. 4. Catering Service
    5. 5. Bento (Lunch Box) Delivery Service
    6. 6. Reception Staff / Non-Technical Interpreter
    7. 7. Booth Security Guard
    8. 8. Booth Cleaning
  6. Exhibition Regulations

    Exhibition Regulations

    1.  1. Exhibit Fees & Plans
    2.  2. Expenses Included in the Exhibition Fee
    3.  3. Exhibit Areas, Number of Booths to Apply, Height Limitations
    4.  4. Exhibitor Eligibility, Selection of Booth Position, Exhibit Application/Contract Agreement
    5.  5. Important Exhibit Details and Prohibitions
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