CEATEC Exhibition Manual Site



Safety Measures 2. Requests to Exhibitors Concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures Required

  • Application No.4
  • DeadlineSeptember 27
The Management Office is determined to operate CEATEC safely with sufficient safety measures.We hope that exhibitors can cooperate with the following requests.

Registration of Booth Manager and Booth Staff *All exhibitors must submit

  1. Contacting the booth manager
    So that the Management Office may contact you if emergency occurs, please resister the mobile phone number and e-mail address of the person in charge of thedirect/?callback_id=orderform_4&lang=en" target="_blank">"e booth with the Management Office by Friday, September 27 via the . Information that you register with us will be managed in accordance with personal information protection policy when holding this event and will be deleted after the conclusion of the exhibition.
  2. Number of booth staff
    Please register the estimated maximum number of staff (company employees, external staff, part-time workers, etc.) occupying and working at the booth for each day to the Management Office by Friday, September 27 via the "Registration of Booth Manager and Booth Staff" <No.4>. The Management Office will provide this information to public organizations such as the police or fire-fighting services in the event of a disaster.

Advance Preparations

We recommend that all exhibitors refer to the below items and formulate their own safety and disaster prevention manual.
Booth disaster prevention and safety measures
  1. Formulate a disaster prevention and safety manual to be used in the management of the booth
  2. Establish an emergency contact network and select contact managers (own company, partner companies, Management Office)
  3. Divide roles among staff members
    • Ensure visitor safety and give evacuation instructions
    • Ensure the safety and confirm the whereabouts of booth staff
    • Support rescue activities
    • Maintain the booth (stop demonstrations, stop transmission of electrical energy, look after exhibit products, etc.)
  4. Prepare disaster equipment
    • Basic emergency set
    • Flashlight, etc.
  5. Check the the site
    • Confirm suspected danger spots in the booth
    • Confirm the closest primary evacuation place (open spaces such as wide aisles and resting place)
    • Confirm the closest evacuation exit and route
    • Confirm the location of fire-extinguishers

Safety Precautions when Setting Up Booths

After taking into consideration possible disaster scenarios, exhibitors are requested to take the following safety measures when designing and setting up their booth.
(1) Electrical work
  1. Booth staff will circulate information on the location of temporary distribution boards and select a person to be responsible for turning off the breaker in the event of an emergency. The temporary distribution board to be installed by the Management Office (primary mains work) will act as an earth leakage breaker that automatically cuts off the electrical supply when an earth leakage is detected.
  2. Do not conceal the temporary distribution board. Also, be sure not to place any packages etc. in front of the temporary distribution board.
  3. When installing large-scale lighting equipment such as PAR lighting fixtures, be sure to take measures to prevent them falling such as securing them with wire.
    * For more details please refer to D-2 5
(2) Designing and setting up booths
  1. When designing block booth be sure to keep 1/3 (one-third) of the side adjacent to the aisle open to allow for an evacuation route.
  2. To prevent truss beams falling, strike four or more anchor bolts in one place when securing them to the floor.
  3. When installing exhibition panels (OCTANORM), take measures to prevent them falling by reinforcing the panels, reinforcing the beams in the corner sections, and installing weights.
  4. Take measures to prevent independent fixtures falling by securing them to the wall or floor surface.
  5. When installing video monitors, speakers, channel characters, lighting fixtures, and other fixtures located in high places; take measures to prevent them falling by securing them with bolts or wires.
    * For more details please refer to D-1 3
(3) Two-story structures
  1. Design secure two-story structures that take into consideration normal time load calculations as well as seismic loads caused by major earthquakes.
  2. Please submit structural calculation sheets to the Management Office if you will be using a two-story structure. Your submitted structural calculation sheets are to be stored as reference materials only and this does not mean that the Management Office has approved or authorized the contents.
  3. In regard to second floor sections where people will pass through or remain, install walls and fences with a height of at least 1.2m to prevent people falling.
  4. Take thorough measures to prevent erections or independent fixtures installed on the second floor collapsing or falling.
    * For more details please refer to D-1 6
(4) Suspended structures
  1. Use a suspended structure that will prevent damage caused by vibrations during an earthquake.
  2. Do not combine and secure suspended structures and erections that extend upwards from the ground.
  3. When wiring cables that cross the floor to suspended structures, install them with flexibility to prevent disconnection from vibrations caused by an earthquake.
    * For more details please refer to D-1 7
(5) Safety while working
  1. People working in high places must wear a helmet and a safety belt.
  2. When using a stepladder for work, be sure to secure it with an anti-opening bracket.
  3. When using a rolling tower, be sure to install a handrail and outrigger with a height of at least 900mm around the work floor.

  1. AFrom the Management Office

    A1 Exhibit Outline

    1.  Exhibition Outline

    A2 Safety Measures

    1. 1. Basic Policy and Organizational Framework concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    2. 2. Requests to Exhibitors Concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    3. 3. Exhibitors’ Response to Emergency
    4. 4. Disaster Evacuation Route

    A3 Emergency Conservation Measures

    1.  Requests for cooperation to save energy

    A4 Personal Information Protection Policy

    1. 1. Personal Information Protection Policy of the Japan Electronics Show Association
    2. 2. Use of Personal Information by Exhibitors

    A5 Exhibition and Display Contents

    1. Important 1. Registration for Co-Exhibitors
    2. Important 2. Request for registration of “non-Japanese” exhibits

    A6 Applications / Inquiries List

    1. Important 1. Applications
    2. Important 2. Payment of Charges
    3. 3. Inquiries List
  2. BPromotion Tool

    B1 How to attract more visitors to your booth / How to distribute your information more broadly

    1. 1. Internet Media (Posting Exhibitor Information/Using Various Web Tools)
    2. 2. CEATEC AWARD 2024
    3. Important 3. Premium Time Invitation Tickets and Leaflets, Envelops
    4. 4. Hospitality for Overseas Visitors

    B2 How to distribute your information through the press

    1. Free 1. CEATEC News Center
    2. Free 2. Briefing Session for Spokespersons
    3. Free 3. Press Release Distribution Support Service
    4. Free 4. Utilization of Premium Time (For Press)

    B3 VIP Services and Reception

    1. 1. Opening Reception
    2. 2. VIP Registration
    3. 3. CEATEC Networking event for Exhibitors

    B4 How to satisfy your visitors more at the exhibition

    1. 1. Visitor Data-Reading App
    2. Free 2. Business Lounges
    3. 3. Reception Room
    4. 4. Use of Demonstration Room

    B5 How to advertise effectively

    1. 1. Web Banner Ad / Mail Magazine Text Banner Ad
    2. 2. On-site Ad Signs
    3. 3. Rules for Advertising
  3. CExhibition Venue Regulations

    C1 Exhibition Site

    1. 1. Exhibition Site Layout / Visitor Passage
    2. 2. Transportation Guide
    3. 3. Layout of Makuhari Messe
    4. 4. Management Office Facilities

    C2 On-site Management

    1. Important 1. Work Schedule
    2. Important 2. Exhibitor Badges, Worker Ribbons
    3. 3. On-site Photography

    C3 Load-In & Load-Out

    1. Important 1. Vehicle Stickers
    2. Important 2. Load-In
    3. 3. Vehicles during the show
    4. Important 4. Load-Out

    C4 Waste Disposal

    1.  Waste Material Separation
  4. DBooth Regulations

    D1 Booth Standards

    1. Important 1. Booth Standards
    2. Important 2. Base Panel Outline
    3. Important 3. Important Points for Booth Design
    4. 4. Exhibits Exceeding the Height Limit
    5. 5. Ceiling Structure
    6. 6. Two-Story Booth Structures
    7. 7. Suspended Structure
    8. 8. Universal Design

    D2 Booth Display Regulations

    1. Important 1. Display Contractor Registration
    2. 2. Product Liability (PL) Law
    3. 3. Floor Construction Work
    4. 4. Fireproofing Regulations / Advertising Balloons
    5. Important 5. Electrical Power Supply
    6. 6. Green Power Certification System

    D3 Product Exhibit Regulations / In-Booth Demo Regulations

    1. Important 1. Prohibition
    2. 2. Lighting on the Ceiling
    3. 3. Sound Emissions and Copyrights
    4. 4. Wireless LANs
    5. 5. UHF-band Product Exhibits / Demonstrations

    D4 Booth Management Regulations

    1. 1. Hazardous Item Handling
    2. 2. Guidelines for Giving Premiums, etc., to Visitors
    3. 3. Others
  5. EServices Related to Booth Operation

    E1 Transport Service

    1. 1. Transport, Load-in & Load-out Service
    2. 2. Parcel Delivery Service during the Show

    E2 Rental Fixtures

    1. 1. Package Booth Service
    2. 2. Rental Fixtures
    3. 3. PC and Monitor Rental

    E3 Infrastructure Services

    1. 1. Utility Booth
    2. 2. Internet Connection
    3. 3. Temporary Telephone Line Service
    4. 4. Antenna Installation
    5. 5. Water Supply, Drainage, Compressed Air and Gas

    E4 Booth Management Services

    1. 1. Meeting Room (Rental)
    2. 2. Reserving Accommodations
    3. 3. Food / Beverage Tickets
    4. 4. Catering Service
    5. 5. Bento (Lunch Box) Delivery Service
    6. 6. Reception Staff / Non-Technical Interpreter
    7. 7. Booth Security Guard
    8. 8. Booth Cleaning
  6. Exhibition Regulations

    Exhibition Regulations

    1.  1. Exhibit Fees & Plans
    2.  2. Expenses Included in the Exhibition Fee
    3.  3. Exhibit Areas, Number of Booths to Apply, Height Limitations
    4.  4. Exhibitor Eligibility, Selection of Booth Position, Exhibit Application/Contract Agreement
    5.  5. Important Exhibit Details and Prohibitions
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