CEATEC Exhibition Manual Site



Personal Information Protection Policy 1. Personal Information Protection Policy of the Japan Electronics Show Association

Privacy Policy

The Japan Electronics Show Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) hereby states that personal information refers to information about an individual user which can identify a specific individual by name, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, access record to a service, or other description, or uniquely assigned number or symbol contained in the information, as well as other information. Furthermore, firmly aware that any of such information that can be used to identify a specific individual is important information that constitutes personal privacy, we shall strive to comply with laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information, establish a management system for the protection of personal information as part of our social responsibility, and promote activities to protect personal information as follows:

1.Concerning Personal Information

The Association, composed primarily of manufacturers and distributors of electronic equipment and components, in cooperation with the organizers, is engaged in the operation of exhibitions (including online exhibitions) and seminars (including online lectures and seminars) for the further development of electronics and information technology industries in Japan.
In this and all other of its business activities, the Association fully understands the importance of properly handling and protecting personal information.
Therefore, the Association shall properly safeguard personal information obtained through any of its business activities that could be used to identify individuals (hereinafter referred to as "personal information") in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and related laws and guidelines, and guidance from the Personal Information Protection Committee.
Specifically, the kind of personal information that the Association will safeguard is any information collected by the Association in the course of its business activities (e.g. venue-based exhibitions, lectures, seminars and other events, as well as online exhibitions, lectures, seminars and other events) through written documentation, electronic media, websites, etc., including names, age, address, phone numbers, email addresses, places of employment, affiliation, title, and any other information that can be used to identify an individual (including information not directly related to individuals but such that could easily be used with other data for identification).

2.Use of Personal Information

Personal information obtained through the Association’s business activities and/or affiliated operations shall be used for the following purposes in accordance to regulations stipulated in the Association’s articles of incorporation:
  1. For sending reports or other information related to business activities of the Association.
  2. For the operation of exhibitions, seminars, lectures and other events that are the responsibilities of the Association *.
  3. For the operation and management of the Association’s website.
  4. For the creation and distribution of documents related to the Association’s business activities (journals, reports, proposals etc.).
  5. For answering inquiries and addressing comments concerning the Association and its business activities.
  6. For sending notifications, questionnaires, related communications, etc. concerning the Association and its business activities.
  7. For all other correspondences concerning the Association and its business activities.
Notes: The Association may gather personal information to improve and upgrade the services provided by the Association in its commissioned projects, to gain access to exhibitions, to reserve or attend conferences, to ensure the safety of exhibitors when they access individual exhibits (exhibits by the exhibitor) in online exhibitions, lectures and seminars, and finally to conduct questionnaires and requests for information. Additionally, personal information may also be gathered to provide registered visitors with promotional information on the products and services available from companies related to exhibitions. The Association uses personal information only within the scope of these purposes.

3.Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

In situations other than those listed below, personal information collected by the Association shall not be provided to third parties.
Admission pass embedded with QR code/barcode system is issued at exhibitions/events operated or commissioned by the Association. The QR code or barcode system will be checked at the entrance to the conference and exhibition venue, and at the exhibitor's booths in the exhibition hall, and exhibitors will be asked to scan the QR code or barcode on their admission passes.
The personal information, which has been registered in advance, will be provided to exhibitors, speakers, seminar organizers, etc. as visitor information for each event. Please be aware that this information may also be used by exhibitors at a later date to send pertinent guidance materials to visitors via email or postal service.
The statistical data of users of this website and the exhibition as well as the online exhibition halls may be provided to the companies involved in the event of an exhibition in a form that does not allow individuals to be identified. The Association also requires the organizers of the exhibition, the exhibitors, speakers, and seminar operators (including online) to manage personal information in an appropriate manner.
  1. When prior consent has been obtained from the individual(s).
  2. When there is a legal obligation to provide personal information.
  3. When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual(s) but disclosure is required to protect an individual’s property or safety.
  4. When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual(s) but disclosure is required to enhance public safety or promote children’s health and welfare.
  5. When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual(s) in situations where disclosure is necessary for cooperation with a national organization, local authorities and/or contractors in accordance with laws.
Even when personal information is disclosed to third parties in accordance to the aforementioned topics, the Association may restrict access or disclosure as it deems necessary.

4.Matters concerning websites and official app, as well as the business the association commissions

Exhibition commissioned by the Association uses cookies on its website to customize services for individual users and to tally page views. While individual IP addresses are collected to collate statistical data and monitor website usage trends on the website, these addresses are not used in any way to facilitate the identification of individual users. However, this stipulation shall not apply if the legitimate legal rights of the Association are, or could potentially be interfered with or infringed.

5.Managing Personal Information

The Association carefully manages the personal information it acquires within the guidelines of the aforementioned objectives, and initiates strict security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. As for business activities entrusted to the Association by affiliated companies, it shall also comply with the respective company’s personal information policies and the Association’s personal information protection policy. When personal information is handled by nonaffiliated companies, the Association shall instigate nondisclosure agreements with these companies and supervise them.

6.Notification, disclosure, correction, addition, and/or deletion of the purpose of use, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties of the purpose of use of retained personal data

If you wish to request notification, disclosure, correction, addition, and/or deletion of the purpose of use, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party of your personal data held by the Association, please contact us. After confirming the identity of your request, we will respond to your request in good faith and promptly within a reasonable period of time, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law. Please note that in the case of encrypted data for storage upon notification of the purpose of use or disclosure of the data, there may be a charge for the cancellation of the encryption.
Note, that if you wish to stop providing personal information to third parties in the online event, the provision of personal information to exhibitors will cease if you press the "Opt-out button" shown at all times on each exhibitor's page that you are viewing during the normal exhibition period (including the period when the exhibition is held in the archived data). Visitors to CEATEC ONLINE can also opt out by accessing the relevant exhibitor page from the Visit History list on their My Page.
If you wish to have the exhibitor (third party) stop using or delete your personal information or stop providing it to third parties after the end of the exhibition period, we will make a request to each exhibitor (third party) to stop using the personal information that has been provided. However, visitors (the requestee) are also asked to refer to the privacy policy disclosed by each exhibitor (third party) and request the exhibitor to delete the personal data. As a reference, please confirm the content from the following exhibitor lists for details:

7.About Cookies

Some services on this website are provided through the use of cookies. Cookies enable the Association to identify the computer used by the user, but they cannot identify the user unless the user enters his or her personal information through this website.
In addition, the cookies used by you when you use this website do not allow your personal information to be disclosed to other sites.
Users can disable cookies by changing the settings on their web browsers, but in that case, the scope of services available on this website may be limited.
Notes: A cookie is an alphanumeric piece of information sent from a web server to the user's web browser. This information acts like a user's ID card and can store the user's password and configuration information. This information enables the user to be identified and to retrieve the settings when the user returns to the website. Cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.

8.Access History

Information about access to the website operated by the Association is stored as access history. This data is used for the purpose of statistics and analysis of the usage of the Association’s website and for advertising purposes.

9.Handling of Personal Information at Linked Sites

This website may contain links to sites operated by individual exhibitors, speakers and seminar operators. The handling of personal information at the linked sites is governed by the linked sites, and the Association shall not be held responsible for the handling of personal information at those sites.
The linked websites may collect your personal information on their own, so we recommend you check the privacy policy of each website with due care.

10.Personal Information Management System

The Association establishes a management system that is supervised by its Secretary-General to ensure a consistent, thorough management of personal information protection.


For any inquiries concerning the protection and/or disclosure of personal information maintained by the Association, please contact us at:
Japan Electronics Show Association (JESA)
4F, Ote Center Bldg. 1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
If you wish to delete your JESA account (Registration Site for event), please follow the procedure from this site.

  1. AFrom the Management Office

    A1 Exhibit Outline

    1.  Exhibition Outline

    A2 Safety Measures

    1. 1. Basic Policy and Organizational Framework concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    2. 2. Requests to Exhibitors Concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    3. 3. Exhibitors’ Response to Emergency
    4. 4. Disaster Evacuation Route

    A3 Emergency Conservation Measures

    1.  Requests for cooperation to save energy

    A4 Personal Information Protection Policy

    1. 1. Personal Information Protection Policy of the Japan Electronics Show Association
    2. 2. Use of Personal Information by Exhibitors

    A5 Exhibition and Display Contents

    1. Important 1. Registration for Co-Exhibitors
    2. Important 2. Request for registration of “non-Japanese” exhibits

    A6 Applications / Inquiries List

    1. Important 1. Applications
    2. Important 2. Payment of Charges
    3. 3. Inquiries List
  2. BPromotion Tool

    B1 How to attract more visitors to your booth / How to distribute your information more broadly

    1. 1. Internet Media (Posting Exhibitor Information/Using Various Web Tools)
    2. 2. CEATEC AWARD 2024
    3. Important 3. Premium Time Invitation Tickets and Leaflets, Envelops
    4. 4. Hospitality for Overseas Visitors

    B2 How to distribute your information through the press

    1. Free 1. CEATEC News Center
    2. Free 2. Briefing Session for Spokespersons
    3. Free 3. Press Release Distribution Support Service
    4. Free 4. Utilization of Premium Time (For Press)

    B3 VIP Services and Reception

    1. 1. Opening Reception
    2. 2. VIP Registration
    3. 3. CEATEC Networking event for Exhibitors

    B4 How to satisfy your visitors more at the exhibition

    1. 1. Visitor Data-Reading App
    2. Free 2. Business Lounges
    3. 3. Reception Room
    4. 4. Use of Demonstration Room

    B5 How to advertise effectively

    1. 1. Web Banner Ad / Mail Magazine Text Banner Ad
    2. 2. On-site Ad Signs
    3. 3. Rules for Advertising
  3. CExhibition Venue Regulations

    C1 Exhibition Site

    1. 1. Exhibition Site Layout / Visitor Passage
    2. 2. Transportation Guide
    3. 3. Layout of Makuhari Messe
    4. 4. Management Office Facilities

    C2 On-site Management

    1. Important 1. Work Schedule
    2. Important 2. Exhibitor Badges, Worker Ribbons
    3. 3. On-site Photography

    C3 Load-In & Load-Out

    1. Important 1. Vehicle Stickers
    2. Important 2. Load-In
    3. 3. Vehicles during the show
    4. Important 4. Load-Out

    C4 Waste Disposal

    1.  Waste Material Separation
  4. DBooth Regulations

    D1 Booth Standards

    1. Important 1. Booth Standards
    2. Important 2. Base Panel Outline
    3. Important 3. Important Points for Booth Design
    4. 4. Exhibits Exceeding the Height Limit
    5. 5. Ceiling Structure
    6. 6. Two-Story Booth Structures
    7. 7. Suspended Structure
    8. 8. Universal Design

    D2 Booth Display Regulations

    1. Important 1. Display Contractor Registration
    2. 2. Product Liability (PL) Law
    3. 3. Floor Construction Work
    4. 4. Fireproofing Regulations / Advertising Balloons
    5. Important 5. Electrical Power Supply
    6. 6. Green Power Certification System

    D3 Product Exhibit Regulations / In-Booth Demo Regulations

    1. Important 1. Prohibition
    2. 2. Lighting on the Ceiling
    3. 3. Sound Emissions and Copyrights
    4. 4. Wireless LANs
    5. 5. UHF-band Product Exhibits / Demonstrations

    D4 Booth Management Regulations

    1. 1. Hazardous Item Handling
    2. 2. Guidelines for Giving Premiums, etc., to Visitors
    3. 3. Others
  5. EServices Related to Booth Operation

    E1 Transport Service

    1. 1. Transport, Load-in & Load-out Service
    2. 2. Parcel Delivery Service during the Show

    E2 Rental Fixtures

    1. 1. Package Booth Service
    2. 2. Rental Fixtures
    3. 3. PC and Monitor Rental

    E3 Infrastructure Services

    1. 1. Utility Booth
    2. 2. Internet Connection
    3. 3. Temporary Telephone Line Service
    4. 4. Antenna Installation
    5. 5. Water Supply, Drainage, Compressed Air and Gas

    E4 Booth Management Services

    1. 1. Meeting Room (Rental)
    2. 2. Reserving Accommodations
    3. 3. Food / Beverage Tickets
    4. 4. Catering Service
    5. 5. Bento (Lunch Box) Delivery Service
    6. 6. Reception Staff / Non-Technical Interpreter
    7. 7. Booth Security Guard
    8. 8. Booth Cleaning
  6. Exhibition Regulations

    Exhibition Regulations

    1.  1. Exhibit Fees & Plans
    2.  2. Expenses Included in the Exhibition Fee
    3.  3. Exhibit Areas, Number of Booths to Apply, Height Limitations
    4.  4. Exhibitor Eligibility, Selection of Booth Position, Exhibit Application/Contract Agreement
    5.  5. Important Exhibit Details and Prohibitions
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