CEATEC Exhibition Manual Site



How to satisfy your visitors more at the exhibition 1. Visitor Data-Reading App

  • Application No.37
  • DeadlineSeptember 27
Visitors entry CEATEC exhibition with a QR code (two-dimensional barcode). The QR code carried by visitors contains encrypted business card information, which can be read by a dedicated system. By using the visitor data reading system at your booth, you can easily collect visitors' business card information and request information. This system is useful for quick sales activities and simplification of the reception desk. If you wish to use this system, please apply for the "Visitor Data Scanning System Application Form" by Friday, September 27. If you wish to use the PWA ("Progressive Web Apps," a website that runs like an app on a smartphone) type, you will need a smartphone (android recommended). Smartphone rental service is available for a separate fee. ■QR Reader:" Visitor Data Reading System [QR Reader] Application Form" <No.42>PWA type:"Visitor Data Reading System [PWA type] Application Form"

Advantages of Using Visitor Data Reading System

Advantage 1
It eliminates the need to compile business card information of visitors at the booth after the fact, leading to cost reduction.
Advantage 2
Data is provided in CSV format*, making it easy to process in-house and useful for quick sales activities. CSV data is sent as a ZIP file with a password when attached to an e-mail. Please make sure that you are able to receive the data in this file format.
Advantage 3
In addition to business card information, you can collect information on visitors' requests such as which products they are interested in as a questionnaire, which can be used as accurate sales follow-up and marketing data.
Advantage 4 (PWA type only)
The tool can be used by accessing the tool on your own smartphone/tablet and adding it to your home screen.
Smartphone rental will be provided as a separate option.

QR Reader Use Plan

  1. Features

    1. Easy operation for those who are familiar with the use of QR reader readers.
    2. Scanned visitor data will be delivered in data format to the e-mail address of the person in charge of the exhibition within one week after the end of the exhibition.
    3. In addition to business card data, visitor requests, such as which products the visitor was interested in, can be obtained as Excel data by using the request code table. We can also provide the data in a format that is linked to the contents of questionnaires prepared by exhibitors. (Service available for an additional fee)
  2. Fees

    After applying for the fee, the following information will be sent to the person in charge of the exhibition by e-mail in advance.
    • Information on QR Reader rental locations, etc. (PDF)
    • How to use the request code table. (PDF)
    • About the Request Code Table Printing System. (URL of the printing system is attached to the body of the e-mail)
    • Using of the QR code reader (Image)
    • Using of the survery function (Image)
    First unit
    30,800 JPY (including consumption tax)
    For the second and subsequent units
    22,000 JPY per unit (including consumption tax)

Reference Data output items

About business card information
Business card information includes the following information entered by visitors in the web pre-registration for admission.
Name / Company / Department / Position / Address / Telephone number / E-mail address
  • Business card information not entered by the visitor will not be output.
  • Visitors carrying badges that do not have a QR code (two-dimensional barcode) attached to them will not be supported. (Chest band bearers, VIP registrants, press, students and younger, and other visitors with related badges)
Notes on the data to be delivered
Kanji characters that can be input are limited to the second level of the Shift JIS Kanji code, and other kanji characters will be treated as external characters. For this reason, characters that are illegible due to visitors' handwritten registration, or characters that are impossible to input in the second level Kanji code for business cards from Asian countries (countries that use Kanji characters), will be treated as external characters and input with ■.
In addition, if you use machine-dependent characters (I, II, III, (Roman numerals), (1), (2), (3), (circled characters), etc.) in the pre-registration fields on the Internet, etc., the characters may be garbled or marked with "? etc.) may be garbled.

PWA Type Use Plan

  1. Features

    1. This application is developed using the Progressive Web App (PWA) technology.
    2. Installation of this application does not require going through an app store such as Apple App Store or Google Play, and can be used in a browser environment.
    3. It can be used simply by installing it on an android smartphone. It can also be used on tablet devices.
      *No need to download from the app store.
      *The display is optimized for smartphones and may be difficult to use depending on the screen size of the tablet device.
    4. Scanned visitor data can be downloaded immediately from the exhibitors-only website.
      *Because many exhibitors will be using the system during the show, it may take some time to download the data.
    5. Original questionnaire function can be used by setting it up on the exhibitor-only site.
  2. Fees

    Basic fee (initial fee and 2 licenses included)
    33,000 JPY (including consumption tax)
    For each additional license thereafter
    19,800 JPY (including consumption tax)
    • License = Number of devices that can be logged in at the same time
    • There is no charge based on the number of reads.
    • If you wish to rent a device, a separate fee will be charged.
    Usage Fee Optional Smartphone Rental
    (android): 9,900 yen (consumption tax included)/unit
    • Exhibitors are required to install and log in to PWA by themselves.
    PWA Type Usage Image
    PWA Type Usage Image
    After applying, the following will be sent to the person in charge of the exhibition by e-mail in advance.
    • Information on rental smartphone rental locations, etc. (PDF)
    • Application Guide (PDF)
    • Quick Installation Guide (PDF)
       →A4 size 1 sheet Quick Installation Guide for use in your own booth during the preparation period and during the exhibition.
  3. Precautions

    • PWA is an application that runs on a web browser and has the functionality and convenience of a native application.
      An Internet connection is required to use this application.
      *Regarding internet connectivity, we recommend using mobile networks provided by cellular carriers. As for Wi-Fi connections, they are not recommended due to the possibility of unstable connections.
    • This application can also run on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad), but due to iOS specifications, it is rare for a user to be logged out at an unintended time.
      In such cases, you can use the application by logging in again (by scanning the 2D barcode (QR code) for login). In such cases, you may be required to forcibly log out of your terminal at the exhibitors-only site.
      *For details, please refer to the User's Guide.
    • Since there is no countermeasure for the above iOS logout at this time, use of Android devices is recommended.
      *All functions of this application can be used on iOS devices without problems, except for the occurrence of logout.

Reference Data Output Items

Business card information
Business card information includes the following information entered by visitors in the web pre-registration.
Name / Company / Department / Position / Address / Telephone number / E-mail address
Business card information not entered by the visitor will not be output.
Visitors carrying badges that do not have a QR code (two-dimensional barcode) attached to them will not be supported. (Chest band bearers, VIP registrants, members of the press, visitors under school age, and other related badge bearers)
Notes on Data to be Delivered
The character encoding of the CSV file that can be downloaded from the exhibitors-only site is Shift-JIS.

  1. AFrom the Management Office

    A1 Exhibit Outline

    1.  Exhibition Outline

    A2 Safety Measures

    1. 1. Basic Policy and Organizational Framework concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    2. 2. Requests to Exhibitors Concerning Disaster Prevention and Safety Measures
    3. 3. Exhibitors’ Response to Emergency
    4. 4. Disaster Evacuation Route

    A3 Emergency Conservation Measures

    1.  Requests for cooperation to save energy

    A4 Personal Information Protection Policy

    1. 1. Personal Information Protection Policy of the Japan Electronics Show Association
    2. 2. Use of Personal Information by Exhibitors

    A5 Exhibition and Display Contents

    1. Important 1. Registration for Co-Exhibitors
    2. Important 2. Request for registration of “non-Japanese” exhibits

    A6 Applications / Inquiries List

    1. Important 1. Applications
    2. Important 2. Payment of Charges
    3. 3. Inquiries List
  2. BPromotion Tool

    B1 How to attract more visitors to your booth / How to distribute your information more broadly

    1. 1. Internet Media (Posting Exhibitor Information/Using Various Web Tools)
    2. 2. CEATEC AWARD 2024
    3. Important 3. Premium Time Invitation Tickets and Leaflets, Envelops
    4. 4. Hospitality for Overseas Visitors

    B2 How to distribute your information through the press

    1. Free 1. CEATEC News Center
    2. Free 2. Briefing Session for Spokespersons
    3. Free 3. Press Release Distribution Support Service
    4. Free 4. Utilization of Premium Time (For Press)

    B3 VIP Services and Reception

    1. 1. Opening Reception
    2. 2. VIP Registration
    3. 3. CEATEC Networking event for Exhibitors

    B4 How to satisfy your visitors more at the exhibition

    1. 1. Visitor Data-Reading App
    2. Free 2. Business Lounges
    3. 3. Reception Room
    4. 4. Use of Demonstration Room

    B5 How to advertise effectively

    1. 1. Web Banner Ad / Mail Magazine Text Banner Ad
    2. 2. On-site Ad Signs
    3. 3. Rules for Advertising
  3. CExhibition Venue Regulations

    C1 Exhibition Site

    1. 1. Exhibition Site Layout / Visitor Passage
    2. 2. Transportation Guide
    3. 3. Layout of Makuhari Messe
    4. 4. Management Office Facilities

    C2 On-site Management

    1. Important 1. Work Schedule
    2. Important 2. Exhibitor Badges, Worker Ribbons
    3. 3. On-site Photography

    C3 Load-In & Load-Out

    1. Important 1. Vehicle Stickers
    2. Important 2. Load-In
    3. 3. Vehicles during the show
    4. Important 4. Load-Out

    C4 Waste Disposal

    1.  Waste Material Separation
  4. DBooth Regulations

    D1 Booth Standards

    1. Important 1. Booth Standards
    2. Important 2. Base Panel Outline
    3. Important 3. Important Points for Booth Design
    4. 4. Exhibits Exceeding the Height Limit
    5. 5. Ceiling Structure
    6. 6. Two-Story Booth Structures
    7. 7. Suspended Structure
    8. 8. Universal Design

    D2 Booth Display Regulations

    1. Important 1. Display Contractor Registration
    2. 2. Product Liability (PL) Law
    3. 3. Floor Construction Work
    4. 4. Fireproofing Regulations / Advertising Balloons
    5. Important 5. Electrical Power Supply
    6. 6. Green Power Certification System

    D3 Product Exhibit Regulations / In-Booth Demo Regulations

    1. Important 1. Prohibition
    2. 2. Lighting on the Ceiling
    3. 3. Sound Emissions and Copyrights
    4. 4. Wireless LANs
    5. 5. UHF-band Product Exhibits / Demonstrations

    D4 Booth Management Regulations

    1. 1. Hazardous Item Handling
    2. 2. Guidelines for Giving Premiums, etc., to Visitors
    3. 3. Others
  5. EServices Related to Booth Operation

    E1 Transport Service

    1. 1. Transport, Load-in & Load-out Service
    2. 2. Parcel Delivery Service during the Show

    E2 Rental Fixtures

    1. 1. Package Booth Service
    2. 2. Rental Fixtures
    3. 3. PC and Monitor Rental

    E3 Infrastructure Services

    1. 1. Utility Booth
    2. 2. Internet Connection
    3. 3. Temporary Telephone Line Service
    4. 4. Antenna Installation
    5. 5. Water Supply, Drainage, Compressed Air and Gas

    E4 Booth Management Services

    1. 1. Meeting Room (Rental)
    2. 2. Reserving Accommodations
    3. 3. Food / Beverage Tickets
    4. 4. Catering Service
    5. 5. Bento (Lunch Box) Delivery Service
    6. 6. Reception Staff / Non-Technical Interpreter
    7. 7. Booth Security Guard
    8. 8. Booth Cleaning
  6. Exhibition Regulations

    Exhibition Regulations

    1.  1. Exhibit Fees & Plans
    2.  2. Expenses Included in the Exhibition Fee
    3.  3. Exhibit Areas, Number of Booths to Apply, Height Limitations
    4.  4. Exhibitor Eligibility, Selection of Booth Position, Exhibit Application/Contract Agreement
    5.  5. Important Exhibit Details and Prohibitions
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