Disaster prevention and safety measures for CEATEC
CEATEC will be held with enhanced disaster prevention and safety measures in place to ensure that visitors can visit and conduct business negotiations with peace of mind, and that exhibitors and other related parties can attend the exhibition with peace of mind.
In the event of a disaster, the Management Office will act in accordance with the basic policy of "giving top priority to the safety of visitors and exhibitors.
- In the event of a disaster, we will quickly gather information, provide information and evacuation guidance to visitors, exhibitors and related parties, extinguish fires in the event of a fire, provide first aid to those injured, and work with the fire department, police and other related agencies to ensure the safety of everyone.
- Organizers and exhibitors will work together to create a safe environment for visitors by designing booths that take into account the prevention of collapse and leakage of electricity in case of disasters such as earthquakes and fires, and by securing aisle widths with evacuation routes in mind.
- In the event of a disaster, we will promptly provide information through in-house announcements and other means to ensure that everyone can act calmly in an emergency situation.
Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact
At CEATEC 2023, we are working to reduce our environmental impact.
About the display structure and lounge service for visitors to the exhibition
- The lounge, reception desk, and special stage set up in the CEATEC venue are made of reusable system panels.
Handouts and printed materials
- You can download a PDF of the venue map from the official website.
- FSC-certified paper is used for printed materials such as guides, and biomass-derived resin is used for envelopes.
- We will set up a recycling box to collect your badge cases for reuse.
Use of Electricity
- Green power is used to power the lounge and reception area set up at CEATEC, and natural energy sources such as wind and solar power are used (equivalent to 15,000 kWh).
- FSC-certified paper is used for printed materials such as guides, and biomass-derived resin is used for envelopes.
- The event is being held with the goal of reducing electricity consumption at the venue, while adjusting some escalators and air conditioning systems.

Exhibitors using green power
Booth Number | Exhibitor Name | 出展者名 |
A116 | ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation | 伊藤忠テクノソリューションズ株式会社 |
A046 | JVCKENWOOD Corporation | 株式会社JVCケンウッド |
A063 | Sony Group Corporation | ソニーグループ株式会社 |
K053 | TAMURA CORPORATION | 株式会社タムラ製作所 |
A128 | Panasonic Group | パナソニックグループ |
P014 | Hitachi, Ltd. | 株式会社日立製作所 |
A002 | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | 三菱電機株式会社 |
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CEATEC 2023 aims to enhance the value of MICE by creating a self-sustaining virtuous circle of MICE and SDGs that takes into consideration all relevant stakeholders, including participants, related organizations, and local communities.