Promotions & Support

You will be provided with support to meet your exhibition objectives, including the dissemination of exhibition information in advance, venue services that help you acquire new leads and build customer relations, and a variety of advertising menus and conference venues that will increase the effectiveness of your exhibition.

Promotions & Support
  • Outdoor Advertising Menus (Advertisements to reach out to booth visitors at the exhibition venue)
    Outdoor Advertising
    We offer advertising plans both inside and outside the exhibition venue to promote exhibitor brands and attract visitors to booths (charged).
    Signage advertising is available along the flow line from JR Kaihin-Makuhari Station to Makuhari Messe to effectively attract visitors to the exhibitor booths.
    Click here for details
  • Banner Advertisements on the Official Website
    Banner Advertisements on the Official Website
    In addition to exhibition-related information, the CEATEC official website provides a wide range of cutting-edge information from exhibitors, sponsoring organizations, and partners, which is viewed by a number of international and domestic users and media on a daily basis.
    This menu allows exhibitors to place their banners on the official CEATEC website.
    Click here for details
  • E-mail Newsletter Advertisements
    E-mail Newsletter Advertisements
    CEATEC distributes an e-mail newsletter with various information about the exhibition to its accumulated visitor database in order to promote advance registration, increase access to the official website, and raise the level of anticipation leading up to the event. Text banner advertisements for exhibitors will be placed in this e-newsletter.
    Click here for details
  • Early Bird Special Package
    Early Bird Special Package
    CEATEC is offering an Early Bird Special Package as a promotional menu to enhance the effectiveness of your exhibit, from advance information dissemination to on-site advertisements.
    The special package is available at a special price only during the early application period.
    Click here for details
  • Exhibitors Deep Dive Page Plan on the Official Website
    Exhibitors Deep Dive Page Plan on the Official Website
    Each exhibitor will be provided with Deep Dive page of detailed description of the exhibits.
    Optional features for a fee include the ability to publish videos and to make meeting reservations.
    Companies/organizations that are unable to exhibit at Makuhari Messe may participate only with the Deep Dive Page Plan on the Official Website.
    Click here for details
  • Exhibition Flyers
    Exhibition Flyers
    Exhibition Flyers that can be used as a tool to attract visitors to the event will be distributed.
  • Opening Reception
    Opening Reception
    As a place where key persons can unite, the organizer plans to hold an Opening Reception on the day before the exhibition (October 16), inviting the management of exhibiting companies and organizations to attend.
  • News Center
    News Center
    A "News Center" will be set up consisting of a special team of planners, reporters, and editors who will provide a variety of information, mainly related to exhibited products, to prospective visitors, industry professionals, the press, and general public. The News Center will actively support exhibitors' PR activities by covering products, technologies, and services that exhibitors wish to promote and disseminating them as news items, as well as encouraging exposure through various media outlets.
  • Media Convention
    Media Convention
    Media Convention will be held from noon on the day before the official opening of CEATEC to allow exhibitors to publicize their exhibit products, technologies, and booth highlights directly to the media on the day before the opening of the show.
  • System for Acquiring Visitor Information
    System for Acquiring Visitor Information
    We plan to provide a service that enables reading of visitor data.
    Details will be announced at the exhibitor briefing session to be held in July.
    The CEATEC AWARD is CEATEC's original system of awards in cooperation with the government, which started in 2011 and marks its 13th year.
  • Package Display
    Package Display
    Package Display plan is offered to reduce exhibition costs and preparation time.
    Click here for details
  • Press Briefing Room
    Press Briefing Room
    The Press Briefing Room, located adjacent to the Press Center, is available for exhibitors to make product announcements and other announcements.