Promotions & Support

Exhibitors Deep Dive Page Plan on the Official Website

At CEATEC, products/services that cannot be exhibited at the Makuhari Messe venue can be introduced using the platform of Exhibitors Deep Dive Page on the Official Website. The platform also allows exhibitors to connect with visitors who may not be able to visit the Makuhari Messe venue.

Eligibility for Use

CEATEC 2023 exhibitors or companies and organizations that conform to the "Exhibitor Qualifications" of CEATEC 2023.

Posting Period

September 1 (Fri) – October 31 (Tue), 2023


Inside CEATEC Official Website

How to Apply / Application Period

Application method Fill out the required fields on the “Application Form for Promotion & Support Menu” and submit the form via e-mail.
Submit to CEATEC Management Office
Application form Download Application
E-mail address contact2023@ceatec.com
Application period Starts on February 7 (Tue)


(Scroll horizontally to view the table on a vertical screen such as smartphones.)

Available Plants Free Access Area Login Area
Makuhari Messe exhibitors Free JPY330,000 (Incl. consumption tax)
Posted only on the Official Website JPY330,000 (Incl. consumption tax) JPY330,000 (Incl. consumption tax)

Flow Line on the Official Website

Official Website > List of Exhibitors > Exhibitors Deep Dive Page

Flow Line on the Official Website

Feature Introduction

The Exhibitors Deep Dive Page is comprised of a "Free Access Area" that any visitors can freely access and a "Login Area" that can be viewed only by those who have pre-registered and created an account. Visitor data will be provided only for those who have accessed the logged-in area.

Feature Introduction
Free Access Area
Free Access Area
Login Area
Login Area
Example of Posting Fee
Makuhari Messe Exhibitors
  1. Apply for additional login area function: JPY330,000
  2. Total: JPY330,000(Incl. consumption tax)

    *Additional fee required to exhibit at the Makuhari Messe venue.

Posting only on the Official Website
  1. Apply for the Plan to Post on The Official Website (Free access area): JPY330,000
  2. Apply for additional login area function: JPY330,000
  3. Total: JPY660,000(Incl. consumption tax)
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