CONFERENCE(Sponsor Sessions)

In conjunction with CEATEC 2023, conference venues will be provided where exhibitors and participants can showcase their ideas in a lecture style that fit their objectives.

  1. Conducted as part of CEATEC's conference program, Sponsor Sessions will help attract visitors.
  2. By using the sessions in conjunction with the exhibition, it is possible to improve understanding of and exchange information about the company's initiatives and products.
  3. Basic data on the audience will be provided: Data will be extracted from visitor data collected at CEATEC and provided as a CSV file within one week of the event.
  4. Basic fixtures, equipment, and manpower are provided at no charge (only for Makuhari Messe venue use plan)
2022 Results
  • No. of sessions193
  • Total no. of speakers301
  • Total no. of listeners27,376

Enhanced engagement and awareness can be expected
through lectures and interactions with the audience.


CEATEC 2023 exhibitors or companies and organizations that conform to the "Exhibitor Qualifications" of CEATEC 2023.

Live Venue Plan


Special venue in Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall/ International Exhibition Halls


October 17 (Tue) – October 20(Fri), 2023

Sessions will be set between 10:30 am and 4:00 pm each day.

Usage Fee for Exhibitors
(All prices listed here are in Japanese Yen and include consumption tax)
Venue Capacity
(10:30 am to 4:00 pm)
One 60-min session
Dividing Convention Hall space 500 seats JPY3,300,000 JPY1,100,000
International Conference Room 500 seats JPY3,300,000 JPY1,100,000
Room 201 200 seats JPY2,200,000 JPY550,000
Inside the Exhibition Halls 100 seats JPY1,100,000 JPY330,000
Usage Fee for Non-exhibitors
(All prices listed here are in Japanese Yen and include consumption tax)
Venue Capacity
(10:30 am to 4:00 pm)
One 60-min session
Dividing Convention Hall space 500 seats JPY6,600,000 JPY2,200,000
International Conference Room 500 seats JPY6,600,000 JPY2,200,000
Room 201 200 seats JPY4,400,000 JPY1,100,000
Inside the Exhibition Halls 100 seats JPY2,200,000 JPY660,000
Services included:
  • Session introductions on the Official CEATEC Website, and an auditing reservation function linked to the admission pre-registration system
  • Rental of audience data (QR/barcode) readers to be used at session sites and helping staff to read audience information at the reception desk.
  • Furnishings and equipment (podium, microphones, speakers, projector, screen, audience chairs), equipment operator

    Notes: Optional stage decorations, fixtures, and equipment beyond the basic specifications are available for an additional fee. Laptop computers for projection are to be brought in by each exhibitor.

  • The fee for non-exhibitors will be twice the exhibitor's fee for all plans.
  • Sessions will start at 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, and 15:00 on each day. Use of consecutive slots for a session is also possible.
  • The date and time of the sessions will be notified to applicants after the application deadline, taking into consideration the order of applications.
  • The live venue plan will be closed as soon as all available slots are taken.
  • Audience seating will be theater-style.

Online Delivery Plan


Inside CEATEC 2023 Official Website


10:00 am, October 2 (Mon) – 5:00 pm, October 31 (Tue), 2023

On-demand delivery will be made by providing the URL of the uploaded video in advance.

Because of the on-demand delivery format, there is no set time for each session.

Online Delivery Plan Usage Fee (All prices listed here are in Japanese Yen and include consumption tax)
One 60-min session CEATEC 2023 exhibitors JPY550,000
Participating companies/organizations applying
for Online Delivery Usage Plan only
Features of Online Delivery Plan
  1. Lecture videos can be made available as part of the CEATEC conference program prior to the live exhibition, giving you an advantage in attracting visitors.
  2. Wide-ranging distribution is possible regard- less of time and location, as the archived videos will be made available for a one-month period (October 2nd to 31st) before, during and after the exhibition at Makuhari Messe.
  3. Audience data will be provided in a CSV file within one week after the end of the streaming.

How to Apply

Application method Fill out the required fields on the “Application Form for Using Conference Venues” and submit the form via e-mail.
Application form Application Form for Using Conference Venues
Submit to CEATEC Management Office
E-mail address contact2023@ceatec.com
Period of Application
Live Venue Usage Plan Request to use for
“1 Day (10:30 am to 4:00 pm)”
Feb. 7 (Tue) – Mar. 31 (Fri), 2023
Request to use for
“One 60-min session”
Apr. 4 (Tue) – May 31 (Wed), 2023
Online Delivery Usage Plan Feb. 7 (Tue) – May 31 (Wed), 2023
For Inquiries, Contact
Inquiry Form