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2Special Exhibits
Partners Park

A "Co-Creation" area that embodies the future society of Society 5.0 with partners from all industries and business sectors under a unique theme.
A "Talk Stage" will be set up in the area to introduce the initiatives of exhibiting companies in the form of conferences and seminars.

 Partners Park Planning Concept


Companies/organizations that can manage (planning, decoration, coordination of participating companies/organizations, and all operations) the "Co-Creation" area where people, technologies, and information from various industries and business sectors gather under a unique theme that aims to realize "Society 5.0".

The event must be organized by multiple companies/organizations. (In principle, companies/organizations cannot exhibit alone.)

Purpose of participation

  • To communicate co-creation with existing partner companies/organizations
  • To recruit new partners who share a common purpose and vision


Partners Park is an area for "co-creating" the DX image of society as a whole under the themes of "Well-Being" and the Digital Rural City State Concept to realize a "sustainable environment, society, and economy" (Sustainability).

Call for Entries

Future Lifestyle Services
Medical/Healthcare PHR/EHR/Nursing care/Monitoring/Data health
Education STEAM education/Recurrent education/Human resource development
Transportation, logistics MAAS/Drone/Automatic driving
Productivity Improvement Corporate DX Support/Startup Co-creation
Agriculture/Food Smart Agriculture/Data Utilization
Disaster Prevention / Resilience Natural Disaster Countermeasures
Formation of Green Society Carbon Neutral / Smart City
Universal Service Smart Home / Tourism / Work Location
Digital Infrastructure of the Future

Network Infrastructure
(Cloud / Web 3.0 / IoT platform)

Digital infrastructure (hardware and software)
(Semiconductors / Data Centers / Metaverse / Security)

Partners Park Zone Configuration

In the Partners Park, two zones will support exhibiting companies and organizations.

Partners Park Zone ConfigurationPartners Park Zone ConfigurationPartners Park Zone ConfigurationPartners Park Zone Configuration
Partners Park Zone Configuration
  1. Corporate/Organization Exhibit Zone

    An area where exhibiting companies/organizations will exhibit according to their own themes.
  2. Talk Stage

    Area where Park participating companies introduce their initiatives in the form of conferences and seminars.

Park Partner Exhibitor Qualifications

  1. Exhibitors must display the theme of Society 5.0/Digital Rural City Concept, etc.
  2. Exhibitors must consist of multiple companies/organizations (companies/organizations cannot exhibit alone).
  3. Exhibitors are required to set up a hands-on corner in their booths.
  4. The representative company/organization applying to exhibit in the Partners' Park must organize companies/organizations that will jointly exhibit in the booth and submit the prescribed form to the organizer.

Park Partner Exhibitor Privileges

  1. Information on CEATEC will be included in various CEATEC announcements
  2. Opportunities for co-creation with other Partners Park participating companies
  3. Provision of conference slots (talk stage)
  4. Ability to set your own participation guidelines within your booth (please contact the organizer for details)

Booth Standards and Participation Fees

Exhibit Plan Standard Exhibit Fee
Diamond Partner xclusive space of 900m² (equivalent to 100 booths) or more JPY33,000,000(including consumption tax)
Platinum Partner xclusive space of 144m² (equivalent to 16 booths) JPY5,500,000(including consumption tax)

If you want more than 144m² of exclusive space,
1m² JPY +44,000(including consumption tax) for each additional 1m² of space.

Gold Partner 81m² (equivalent to 9 booths) of exclusive space JPY3,300,000(including consumption tax)
Bronze Partner Exclusive space of 36m² (equivalent to 4 booths) JPY1,650,000(including consumption tax)

All of the above fees do not include exhibition expenses for exclusive space in the individual company zone.

Booth decoration, transportation of exhibits, personnel expenses for management staff, electricity, etc. will be charged separately.

Partners Park: Exhibitor Privileges

Contents Partners Park
Participation Standard Diamond
Hanging banners at the venue
Use of outdoor exhibition space
Logo on venue map
Conference speaking slots
Advance coverage by media partners
Visitor data reading system
Mail magazine ads
Web banner ad
In Partners Park
Speech slot at the stage in Partners Park

(Applicable if there is a vacancy)
Invitation to the reception
Publication on Society 5.0 Chaos Map

Booth location

Booth location will be decided by the organizer. Please note that exhibitors cannot choose their booth location.

Flow after application for participation

  1. Individual interviews will be conducted with companies/organizations that have been selected to exhibit.
  2. The "Kick-off Meeting" as the Partners Park is scheduled to be held in mid-June.

How to Apply

Application has been closed
Schedule from application to decision of participation in Partners Park (tentative)
February 15, 2024 (Thursday), 10:00 a.m. Applications open
April 30, 2024 (Tue) Application deadline
Mid-June, 2024 Kick-off Meeting